Focus Your Leadership
Successful business relies upon the ability of the organization to have a strong purpose. That fact has never really changed regardless of economic or other unforeseen circumstances.
I find that some leaders tend to want to find someone to “blame” for their challenges. If you’re looking for some concise tips to focus your leadership, here are eight from the wisdom of the late Peter Drucker:
1. Make sure that what makes a difference gets done.
2. Check your performance against previously defined goals.
3. Say no to things that don’t contribute to the real mission.
4. Know early when to stop trying doing something that can’t be done.
5. Organize travel and leverage new technology if it’s possible.
6. Have a maximum of two organizational goals at the same time.
7. Make sure the people around you understand your priorities.
8. Build on your strengths. Find strong people to do the other necessary tasks.
To fully digest the expanded wisdom of Peter Drucker, pick up a copy of The Essential Drucker or any of his books. If you are a practicing manager you’ll find them crisp, to the point, and genuinely useful.